Monday, May 3, 2010

Hunger Games by Suzzane Collins

This book is about a girl called Katniss who has to keep her family alive. Every year there are the hunger games which is a game were the contestants. The only people allowed to participate are people from 12 years of age to 18. I recommend this book to all who like action, bblood and gore. I havent finished reading the book so if you want to know more..... you should read it. There is also a movie.

The Clique

Last month I started reading a novel called "The Clique". Im still reading it but im loving it, i watched the film and I noticed its not as different as the book, the only difference is that the book includes more details. The book is about these four really rich girls, Dylan Marvil, Alicia Rivera, Kristen Gregory and Massie Block the "leader" of the group. These four girls are really, really rich and glamorous, they live in the shops like Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Coco Chanel (the glamorous!) etc... Suddenly this girl from Florida comes to stay in the the Blocks guest house, but the problem is that this girl isn't glamorous at all, and this girl is Claire Lyons. Claire goes to the same school as other girls, The Octavian Country School a only girl school (that sucks!), but Claire has 1 problem, her problem is that the girls don't like her and they bully her till death. If you want to know more about The Clique girls you'll need to read the novel. I recommend this book for all the girls that wants to have a taste of how it is to be glamorous!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prom nights from HELL

I just finished reading Prom nights from HELL and i TOTALLY LOVED the book. There are five different stories from different writers. The first story is called "the exterminator's daughter by Meg Cabot and the story is very mysterious so i really loved it! The second story is called "The corsage" by Lauren Myracle. This story is very freaky and interasting at the same time so i also loved it alot."Madison Avery and the Dim Reaper" is written by kim Harrison. It is the strangest story ever and it's AWESOME!! Michael Jaffe wrote a story called "kiss and tell" and it's PARANORMAL of course! "Hell on Earth" is the last story and i didn't really understand it! The auther is STEPHENIE MEYER which Julia and Gaby love!

I loved the book and I recommend it to anyone who likes mystery, adventure, suspense and paranormal things!!!!

Goosebumps - Don't Go To Sleep by R.L. Stine

This book is about a boy who has a very short room that he can't even sleep in. He has one brother and one sister which bully him. he decides that he will sleep in the guest room but suddenly he's older than he was! he was already in high school and his mother had gone. In her place there were two stranders that he didn't know. What had happened? Was it because he had slept in the guest room?

I like this book because it is funny the way you can see it. You can see how the story could be totally diferent than it really is and you can't prevent what will happen the next day.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Boy by Roald Dahl

Boy is teh autobiography of Raold Dahl. In this books there lots of crazy things happening with him and in school. There is a strange "maths" teacher that acutally don't give maths lessons.

I like it and I hope other people like it too.


I am reading a book called ''Untamed''
by P.C Cast and Kirsten Cast. It is the
4th book of the House of Night Series.
in this book Zoey that is the main
character helps her friend Stevie Rea
to come back to life and becomes
friend with her old enemy. Fourtunatly
her nice friends are excepting the
fact that she likes her. and are helping
her and Stevie Rea become normal again.

Goosebumps "Night at Terror Tower"

Last week, I finished reading the novel Goosebumps: "Night At Terror Tower". This novel was writen by R.L.Stine, he also wrote the sequence of the novels. This novel talks about a girl and her brother which from no were lost their memories. During the novel, they discover their whole past history. I thought this novel was really well written because it gives alot of suspence.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Eclipse Lucas Bender

The novel I am currently reading is called Eclipse from Stephanie Meyer. The Novel is the third book in the twilight saga which is followed by breaking dawn. I'm on page 139 when Bella just fineshed helping her friend angela with something for school. I am enjoying it and hope to read the rest.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Miles To Go

During my Easter Holidays I bought a autobiography by Miley Cyrus. It wasn't really the best thing to read a novel about someone I don't really like, but it was quite interesting to know about her life before she was famous. Miley expresses herself about how she was bullied during 6th grade to how she got a part for the big Disney Channel hit Hannah Montana. In the novel Miley talks a lot about her grandfather and also a lot about the tours she did. I really didn't like this autobiography because I thought she was to convinced about how her life is great and successful.

I recommend this book for someone who really likes Miley Cyrus and would like to know about her past.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Goosebumps "A Night in Terror Tower"

During my Easter holidays, I continued to read my new novel "A night in terror tower" written by R.L. Stine. I have just reached the 15th chapter, so far, Sue and Eddie the main character are extremely worried, very frightened and especially into deep trouble. So far I'm appreciating and enjoying this novel. When I finish this novel, I get a new Goosebumps novel to read.

Deep end

I read book a long time ago so i don't remember much. I remember that there was this girl called madison that got caught, i think and then her brother and sisters come to save her with friends with a secret plan but get caught then Madison's brother gets thrown out of a helicopter and... does he die? or not? read to know more! I recommend this book to any one who likes action and adventure.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer

Yesterday I finally finished reading "Twilight" about midnight. I have to admit that it is not exactly the kind of novel that I would normally choose to read but I am glad I have now discovered what all the hype is about. Stephenie Meyer has certainly written a novel that successfully appeals to a generation of young people but perhaps not some dinosaur from a previous generation. At least I will now be able to have "Twilight" discussions and disagreements with plenty of St. Nicholas students. I expect I will now be forced to read "New Moon"...may I borrow your copy, Julia?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie

I ADORE Agatha Christie. She writes with already some suspence. She always writes books about detective and romantic stories. This story is about a person who get's assassinated by somebody and Miss Marple is the one who will investigate this crime. The person who is assassinated is Colonel Protheroe. When his death was claimed, Len (the narrator, first person), was already a suspect because a while before the crime went in action he said that "anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a large serrvice".
I recomend this book to everyone. This book will fit to everyone because if you want to increase your writing skills it'll just do. If you want a book that persuades you it will also just do for you. if you like detective or lets say "romantic"stories it just perfect for you just like me!

Monday, March 29, 2010

L.B. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The book I read some time ago was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This book is the last novel in the Harry Potter series. in this novel Harry wo is an orphan has to change houses without the death eaters find out in this trip Mad eye Moody, Ronald Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasly, Arthur Weasley, Hagrid, Hermione Granger, Kingley, Fleur de LaCourte, Lupin, Tonks, and Mundungus Fletcher have to take harry to his new home. On the way there Mad eye dies and Fred loses his ear. More deaths and victories happen alog the way. Are you in or are you out?

Friday, March 26, 2010

I am so not a pop star

"Hi, I am Sam and this is my blog!"

Sam is a girl who has her own blog and has a sister who is a big time pop princess. A camera crew is following her family everywhere and Sam just discovered something great about their past as a family!!

Read to know more about it

I recomend it to all the girls who like a pop star life!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Skellig by Danid Almond

Skellig in about a boy that moves to a new house and have problems with his sister. She starts to get sick and alomost lives in the hospital. The boy find a strange creature inside the garage and starts to talk with him and give food too. His mother and father don't let him go in the garage because its alomost falling and something could hurt him but he still gets in the garage. I recomend to people that hadn't read yet.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Prom nights from hell!

The book i am currently reading is called ''prom nights from hell'' and it is actually five short story's written by five different authors including: stephanie meyer and meg cabot. I am still in the first story but it is already really cool. the first story is about a girl who is dating a really dangerous vampire and her friewnds are throwing ketchup with water guns at him. the most incredible thing is that the story's are supposed to be scary. hehe!

i recommend this book for everyone that likes vampire humerous story's!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Continuing - Around the World in Eighty Days

I got until a plece where passepartout and Mr. Pheleas Fogg get into some kind of trouble because Mr. Fogg robbed money form a bank. but the cop does not know it is him because Passepartout comfused him so well that they managed to ecapee.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How I survived the middle school

I think this novel is very good because it gives good clues how to "survive" the middle school where we are now.
This novel is more for girls then for boys bt I think its a good novel to pass your time in. I sabout this girl that have problems in school and needs some help in it. So her clues helps her more then she could think of...

Monday, March 15, 2010


I read Coraline last cemester and I loved the book!! It is about a girl called Coraline and she moves to this new house. There alot of funny and mysterious things happen!! There is alot of "scary things" and she has to decide with who is she living with!

With her creepy mother??? Or with her real strange mother?????

Boy by Roald Dahl

Right now in school I am reading a book called Boy by Roald Dahl. This book is an autobiography about when he was young. It is structured in different ages and schools. We have got to when he goes to a boarding school called St. Peters and he is scared. I recommened this book because it is disgusting and very funny at the same time. To know more read the book.


The book we are reading now in class is called "Boy" by Roald Dahl. In the novel, he says that his book isn't a autobiography, but in my opinion I think that this novel is really a autobiography because he separates his infancy into three different sections. He separates these sections by age and school. So far, I'am enjoying this novel.

The Demon Headmaster!

The Demon Headmaster is the first book of this novel. It is about a group of children (Dinah, Lloyed, Harvey, I forgot the rest) fighting the demon headmaster of dominating the world. It is really interasting because of his ideas and plans to how to dominate the world. Dinah is a very clever girl and is an orphan. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are Lloyed and Harvey parents but who knows what will happen to their family? Will it grow?Read on to know.
I really liked this book and I also think great part of the class also did. I recomend this book to people that like, lets say "detective" storys.

The Demon Headmaster

Just in the beginning Lloyd and Harvey have a big surprise, Dinah is coming to stay. Creepy things get creepier in school, everyone is being controlled including the new girl Dinah. Lloyd, Harvey and their friends somehow cannot be controlled by the prefects and the headmaster. The children fight against the Demon Headmaster so he won't dominate the world.

I really liked the novel because it happens a lot and the story it self is really exiting !

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

I don't remember musch about it but The Host by Stephenie Meyer is about a girl that is controled by a alien.
This novel is about suspense.
I recomend this novel to people that likes suspense and aliens.


I read a book called ''Betrayed'' and i absolutly luv it. It is the second book from the colection that i am reading ''The House of Night''. In this book Zoey (the main character) has to deal with many shocking and horrible events like her best friends death, having THREE boyfriends and many more things.

Some reviews even say that Stephanie Meyer the auther of the Twilight saga is already in the past and the new her is the Cast girls.

Everyone that like's action and a bit of romance will absolutly love this and the other 6 novel's of the collecton (like me).

The Field Guide To Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents Bender

The book I read was The Field Guide To Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents. It is A Non-Fiction book. The novel is made up of stories from victims from the occurrences related to sea monsters. I recommend it for people who like a lot of mystery. It is fun and educational at the same time:)!

The Demon Headmaster

I'm read a book called The Demon Headmaster, it is about a girl called Dinah, she is an orfan, when one day a family fostered her. So she started to go to the same school as the two kids that lived with her, Lloyd and Harvey. When her first day of scholl starts, she met the headmaster, he was very strange and it seemed that the school was controles, because everybody was perfectly organised. What do YOU think it will happen to the kids? i recomend this book for people that likes mistery and suspense!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Goosebumps A night at the Terror Tower

Two days ago, I started reading the novel called "Goosebumps, A night at the Terror Tower". This was writen by R.L Stine. There are is a whole collection of these novel. So far I reached the chapter 5 and it looks very interesting.What is the terror tower? I want to find out what is it. I am looking forwards to finish this book and start a new one. I would recomend this book for thoose who likes mystery, suspence and terror books.

Friday, March 12, 2010

eclipse matteo

I read the first 10 pages of new moon and it is funny , I liked the begining it was like the end of the film new moon . and when bella goes down the stairs she sees her father TRYING to cook but he put the sause with the metal lid in the microwave and the spaghethi with , I dont know but it seamed to be disgusting and pasty as well
well i think thats it for today

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Why the whales came"

I was reading a book called "Why the whales came". It is about 2 children, Gracie and Daniel. Gracie and Daniel lived in an island. They were told to stay away from Birdman because he was mad but actually he wasn't, he was just lonely. They become friends in secret and they find a whale lying by the beach almost dying! How can they save it? Will it be on time? Or will the island be cured FOR EVER?

I read the book but didn't really like it. I think that people that like some long descriptions and detailed writing all the way until the end will like it.

New Moon Bender

The book I am reading is New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. The book is a serie from the novel Twilight. In New Moon trouble continous for Bella Swan. Her Life is in danger. Her friends life is in dandger. Her father's life is in danger. I stopped reading this novel because I thought it was boring but I tried Again and it turned out to be fun. I am looking foward to reading the rest of the series! :)

Fantastic Mr.Fox by Roald Dahl

I read a book called, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, it says about a smart fox that has its own family with wife, and three children, they live in the big tree , in the middle of the forest. Near them there are three farmers, which all three has chickens geese apple cider. and every night Mr. Fox goes there do catch his dinner. One day all three farmers stay mad at the fox. what do YOU whing it will happen to the small Mr.Fox and his family? read the book and find it out

The illustrated mum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The story takes place in London and the main charecter is a girl called Dolphin. Her mother called Marigold is drunk all the time and has a tattued body. Dolphin has an older sister called Star,but what will happen to this strange mother and her two chindren after Marigold finds her ex- husbend she totally loves.......

Read it!! I recomend this boook to people who like drama and alot of adventure!!!! This book is AWESOME!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

I read this novel last year and I absolutely enjoyed it, it was my favorite out of the 4 novels. The novel is divided into 3 parts, the first and last part is narrated by Bella and the 2 part is narrated by Jacob. Lots of things will happen in this novel, from action to lots of romance. Unexpected things will happen to the Cullen family, Jacob will be missing, Bella will suffer, a new member in the Cullen family and lots more! I recommend this book for everyone who read the other 3 books and became "Fanpires".

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

These books by Jeff Kiney are very humorous and very interesting. It`s about a boy that lives in a small town and one day his mum buys him a diary so he writes about his holidays and his school days, basically his life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marley and me by John Grogan

I read Marley and me last term and I enjoyed it a lot! It's about a man and a woman that want's to have a a dog to train how to take care of a real child. They go to place (that's where Marley is) and look for a dog. The woman shows Marley and the woman loves it and adopts him. At their home is a BIG chaos. John buys a pretty gold necklace to his wife but Marley swallows it and John needs to poke each poop of Marley to find it. If you like very humorous stories that includes dog and animals, you will love this book. (For the ones who didn't read it still, actually almost ewveryone already read it but...) I hope you like it!


I read a book called Marked over the holidays. It is really awsome and i loved it. as i already wrote about the house of night series, this is the first book of the 6 of them. As you can see from the title Zoey Redbird is marked and she has to completely forget about her human life and begin to understand how life is in the house of night, but it seems a bit hard to do so......if you wanna now more you'll have to read the book....

i recommend the book for everyone that loves vampyres and likes some suspense.....

Julia Ramos

Around the World in Eighty Days

The book I am reading is called around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. The book is about a guy named Passepartout, he is a french man who finds a job with the most organised and the richest man in town who is known as Mr.Fogg. some days after Passepartout got the job with Mr. Fogg, Mr.Fogg recived a letter........ the rest you will know just if you read because I am not going to tell you.


I am reading the book ''Chosen'' that is the 3rd book of ''The house of night series'' that is about vampyres.....the story is about a 16 year old girl called Zoey Redbird that was marked and is a really important fledging to the school. it is bassically about her life and how she deals with it.

I recomend this book to everyone who enjoyed reading the twilight saga because well first it is about vampyres and second because it has more or less the same concept.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The book im reading is called Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, it is about a young boy called Charlie, he lives in a very small house, with his grand parents and his parents. he is very poor his father works on a toothpaste factory where he dosen't have very much income. and only with this little amount of money hes can hardly feed seven people, his grand parents, Charlie's mother part grand parents, his wife, him and of course poor little Charlie. every day when he goes to school he passes through the thing he most admire, he most loves. THE MARVELOUS WILLY WONKA'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!!!! when he passes through it, he feels the smeel of the melted chocolate. what do YOU think it will happen to charlie? will he get out of poornes?Will he be happy? descover how the book ends by reding CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY BY: Roald Dahl

I recomend this book for people that LOVE chocolate and that like adventures through funny machines.

Allie Finkles Rules for Girls

The book i'm reading is called Allie Finkles and i'm reading the 3rd book from the novel. All three books are extremely real and fun to read. Allie is a girl who has a book of rules..... Her life is awesome and extremely confusing. I recomend it to all the girls because the book is very interesting and you'll love it (girls)!!!

Septimus Heap Series: Queste

Right now I am reading a book called Queste which is the 4 book of the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage: Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren. These books are about a magikal world and each book has a different adventure. In this book Septimus and his friends run away to go get his brother which got stuck in a different time and went to the place were all Times meet. On the way he figures out he is on the Queste and now apprentice has ever come back from the Queste. He keeps it a secret and in the end his friends find out. They enter the place were all times meet and when you go in you cant go out. There stuck.... to find out more read the book! I recommend this book to anyone that likes action, mystery, suspense and much more!

new moon - twilight saga

ive started new moon and till now i did not get to the tenth page so i cant tell to much i think it is going to be nice and it will have lots of romance and lots of fights from vampires wanting to have the princes (bella) and stuff
well , lets see how it goes right ?


The novel I just finished reading is "Skellig" by David Almond. This novel is about a young boy called Michael which just moved from his old house. His younger sister is really sick and he finds at his garage a strange thing. What is it? Read and find out. I would recommend this novel to people who like mystery books.

New Moon

I am reading the the book called New Moon. I don't understand why Julia and Gaby plus the twilighters fan like the series so much! I comprehend that the book is romantic and girls like those stuff but for boys... Boys would only read it all because it is persuasive. It really makes you forget about the time and your life and dream with words... yeah boys won't like it.

I only recommend for people that like romantic and sometimes action books. Boys normaly don't like those types of books but this series is different. It is worth a try.

''So a lion that fell in love with a lamp''

Absolutely Normal Chaos - Sharon Creech

The novel that I have read was Absolutely Normal Chaos by Sharon Creech. This novel is about a girl who has a small brother that makes her life a bit more complicated. She have lots of things to do in school and in her house. She needs to go to a friend's party but her mother organized a interview to a TV programme in her house and she really needs to go. I liked reading it because it shows how confused is the life of a child and how many problems they can take. I recommend this novel because the writer makes it humorous even when there is a problem.

Shopaholic Takes Manhatten

The novel I'm reading is called "Shopaholic Takes Manhatten". It's about a English girl called Rebecca Bloomwood that's a total shopaholic. I really find it interesting because Becky (Rebecca) get's into trouble, and It's always connected with shopping so it makes it really funny !

Yr 7 JH Lucas Bender Book Report: Eragon

The novel I am currently is reading called Eragon. The book is about a 16 year old boy that finds a dragon egg. The novel is really fun! I am still just in the beginning of the novel but I am hopping to read the whole series: Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr, Eldunari, Paolini!! :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to the Year 7JH Reading Blog.
The novel I am currently reading is "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. I have read the first few chapters but have to admit I am enjoying it more than I had anticipated. Perhaps I will become as addicted as both Julia and Gabriella and end up reading the whole series or maybe not...
Start blogging about the books you are currently reading.