Sunday, April 4, 2010

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer

Yesterday I finally finished reading "Twilight" about midnight. I have to admit that it is not exactly the kind of novel that I would normally choose to read but I am glad I have now discovered what all the hype is about. Stephenie Meyer has certainly written a novel that successfully appeals to a generation of young people but perhaps not some dinosaur from a previous generation. At least I will now be able to have "Twilight" discussions and disagreements with plenty of St. Nicholas students. I expect I will now be forced to read "New Moon"...may I borrow your copy, Julia?


  1. Sir reading this book is a disgrace to man and the nature of reading sir. Please don't read the next one. All in all a good blog entry but a bad book.

  2. hehehe aristide is a a really good book! New moon is not as good as twilight but it is still my fourth favorite book.....and yes i can lend it too you

  3. Aristide i did read the novel and i appreciated it.

  4. Aristide has something to say
